Helms HRM 2020-2021 Assignments

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Monday, September 14 in Google Classroom

Monday, September 14

1. Watch: The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins
2. Watch: What is an Adjective
3. Watch: Adverb song
4. Complete assignment in BrainPop on ADJECTIVES
5. Watch: Voting for Kids
6. Complete assignment in BrainPop on ELECTIONS
7. Complete comprehension assignment. Please use the BACKSPACE key to erase the text field, not the DELETE key.
8. Click on Untitled Document. Rename it to match the title of your story. Title it to be the name of your brainstorming story. Remember, my story was about the Beach. I would like you to start typing your story on a Google Document. Copy exactly what you wrote in your Writing Journal. As you work on typing it in, add some adjectives and adverbs to make your story more interesting.