Leann Shell » Attendance Matters

Attendance Matters


Attendance Matters --- Everyday Counts - Shenandoah Elementary


The Importance of Regular School Attendance


It’s a fact, students who attend school regularly learn more and are typically more successful in school than students who do not.  Parents who make regular school attendance a priority are also teaching their children to accept responsibility, and that’s an important lesson for school and beyond!  When students do not attend regularly, they miss out on:


  • Carefully planned instruction.
  • Active learning experiences and class participation.
  • The opportunity to ask questions.


As a result, they are more likely to fall behind, and they are more likely to drop out.


Absenteeism hurts the student. Students who are frequently absent fall behind in academics and miss important socialization concepts that enhance their ability to understand and follow directions or, ultimately, plan for the future.


Things parents can do to help


• Schedule doctor and dental appointments so that your child can attend at least part of each school day. This will allow your student to check in with the teacher(s) to turn in assignments as well as pick up new assignments for that day.


 Communicate the importance of regular school attendance to your child so they are hearing the same thing we are saying at school.


• Provide a quiet place for your student to do homework and check in on him/her. Many students that do not get homework completed may say they are ill so they do not have to attend school.


• Make sure students are regularly eating nutritious meals and drinking plenty of fluids.



When we work together, as a team, we can make regular school attendance a top priority!!!