Mrs. Datiz' GVA 3rd Grade-03 Assignments

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Science: How do polar animals survive the cold? in Google Classroom

Science: How do polar animals survive the cold?

Learning Target: 
We will explore how polar animals keep warm in the coldest regions on Earth.

Success Criteria:
I am successful when I can answer the question, How do polar animals survive the cold?

Mystery Science :


Science: ReadWorks: Snow Science! in Google Classroom

Science: ReadWorks: Snow Science!

Please click the link to go to this assignment.


🔔 Quotation Mark Assessment in Google Classroom

🔔 Quotation Mark Assessment


ReadWorks: Ellen Ochoa in Google Classroom

ReadWorks: Ellen Ochoa

Please click the link to go to this assignment.


What did you do during your independent time today? in Google Classroom

What did you do during your independent time today?

Fill out the form below. 


Wed 11/17-  in Google Classroom

Wed 11/17-

What did you do during your independent time?
Type 4 sentences about a game you played, something you watched, or read.


🦃 Turkey Trouble Disguise in Google Classroom

🦃 Turkey Trouble Disguise


ReadWorks: Casey Saves the Play in Google Classroom

ReadWorks: Casey Saves the Play

Please click the link to go to this assignment.


⭐ReadWorks: Climb to the Sky! in Google Classroom

⭐ReadWorks: Climb to the Sky!

Please click the link to go to this assignment.


🔣Exit Ticket---3.2 Lesson 11 (3.NBT.2, 3.MD.2) in Google Classroom

🔣Exit Ticket---3.2 Lesson 11 (3.NBT.2, 3.MD.2)


Problem Set---3.2 Lesson 11  in Google Classroom

Problem Set---3.2 Lesson 11

(3.NBT.1, 3.NBT.2, 3.MD.1)


⭐📚Weekly Reading Journal- 9/27/21- 10/1/21 in Google Classroom

⭐📚Weekly Reading Journal- 9/27/21- 10/1/21

After reading,  retell part of a book that you read today either on Epic or a book from home. Be sure to include the name of the book that you read. 

Are you reading a fiction book?
Please include the following in your retell.

Setting - the time and place
Characters- the people or animals who act out the story
Problem- the struggle the character is having
Happenings (Beginning, Middle, End)- the events in order
Solution- how the problem is solved

Are you reading a nonfiction book?
Please include the following in your writing.

Topic Sentence: It tells the main idea
2-3 Facts: Facts support the main idea
Concluding Sentence: wraps up the paragraph and holds everything together


⭐✏️Weekly Writing 9/27/21 - 10/1/21 in Google Classroom

⭐✏️Weekly Writing 9/27/21 - 10/1/21

Learning Target:
I can write a narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events

Success Criteria:
I can write a beginning to my story in which readers know who the characters are, and what the setting is.


⭐🧭 Weekly SS Journal - 9/27/21- 10/1/21 in Google Classroom

⭐🧭 Weekly SS Journal - 9/27/21- 10/1/21


⭐RW: Mystery Pre-Test Part 2 10/1 Reader's Workshop in Google Classroom

⭐RW: Mystery Pre-Test Part 2 10/1 Reader's Workshop


EM2L9/10: 10/1/21 : Eureka Math : M2 Lesson 9 & 10 in Google Classroom

EM2L9/10: 10/1/21 : Eureka Math : M2 Lesson 9 & 10

Learning Target: L9

We are learning to measure weight and liquid volume in metric units.

Success Criteria:
We are learning to measure weight and liquid volume in metric units.

Learning Target: L10

We are learning to measure weight and liquid volume in metric units.

Success Criteria:
I am successful when I can use a vertical number line to estimate and measure liquid volume in liters and milliliters.


EM2L7: 9/29 Eureka Math: M2 Lesson 7 in Google Classroom

EM2L7: 9/29 Eureka Math: M2 Lesson 7

Learning Target:
We are learning to measure weight and liquid volume in metric units.

Success Criteria:
I am successful when I estimate the weight of familiar objects in kilograms to develop benchmark measures.


EM2L6: 9/28 Eureka Math: M2 Lesson 6 in Google Classroom

EM2L6: 9/28 Eureka Math: M2 Lesson 6

Learning Target:
We are learning to measure weight and liquid volume in metric units.

Success Criteria:
I am successful when I build and decompose a kilogram to reason about 1 kilogram, 100 grams, 10 grams, and 1 gram.


EM2L5: 9/27 Eureka Math: M2 Lesson 5 in Google Classroom

EM2L5: 9/27 Eureka Math: M2 Lesson 5

Learning Target:
We are learning to measure time and solve problems involving time.

Success Criteria:
I am successful when I can add and subtract on a number line to solve word problems involving time.


⭐RW: Unit 1 Pre- Test part 1: 9/27 : Reader's Workshop in Google Classroom

⭐RW: Unit 1 Pre- Test part 1: 9/27 : Reader's Workshop

Learning Target:
I will use my reading strategies learned in Unit 1 to complete a reading pre- assessment for our mystery unit.

Success Criteria:
I will use my predicting skills to answer a question on the pretest.

I will use my summarizing skills to answer a question on a pretest.

I understand that a pretest is needed to help my teacher, and that I may not know how to answer all the questions


WW: 9/24 Writer's Workshop in Google Classroom

WW: 9/24 Writer's Workshop

Learning Target:
I can become my own job captain and prepare to publish my personal narrative.

Success  Criteria:
I can correctly punctuate dialogue in my stories.

Please insert a picture of the writing you completed during Writer's Workshop in the google doc below.


⭐Science: 9/24 Rock Assessment in Google Classroom

⭐Science: 9/24 Rock Assessment

Birth of Rocks Unit Assessment


⭐RW: Unit 1 P2 Assessment  in Google Classroom

⭐RW: Unit 1 P2 Assessment

Learning Target: I will use my reading strategies learned in Unit 1 to complete a reading assessment. Assessment 2/2

Success Target
I will identify character traits.
I will be able to retell a story.
I will predict what will come next.
I will identify the author's craft in a story I read.


⭐WW: 9/23: Writer's Workshop in Google Classroom

⭐WW: 9/23: Writer's Workshop

Learning Target:
I can become my own job captain and prepare to publish my personal narrative

Success  Criteria:
I can revise my stories with clarity and purpose.

Please insert a picture of the writing you completed during Writer's Workshop in the google doc below.

If typing into google doc, use a different color ink when revising. I want to see things you have added :)


Science: 9/23 How could you survive a landslide? in Google Classroom

Science: 9/23 How could you survive a landslide?

Learning Target:
Observe the local environment to explain how water and/or wind have made changes to soil and/or rocks over time

Success Criteria:
I can explain the rock cycle by observing the environment over time.


EM2L1 9/21: Eureka Math in Google Classroom

EM2L1 9/21: Eureka Math

Learning Target:
We are learning to measure time and solve problems involving time.

Success Criteria:
I am successful when I can use a stopwatch to explore time as a continuous measure.


RW: 9/21 Reader's Workshop in Google Classroom

RW: 9/21 Reader's Workshop

Learning Target:
I am learning to make predictions about stories that I read and stories that are read aloud to me.

Success Criteria:
- After reading, I will ask myself, “What will happen next?"
- I can predict what will happen next in a text based on what has happened already.
- I can predict what will happen next in a text based on what I know about how stories tend to go.

Retell part of a book that you read today during Reader's Workshop in your Reading Journal.


WW: 9/22 Writer's Workshop in Google Classroom

WW: 9/22 Writer's Workshop

Learning Target:
I can develop strategies to write a true story.

Success  Criteria:
I can revise my writing by asking “What’s the most important part of the story?”

Please insert a picture of the writing you completed during Writer's Workshop in the google doc below.


Science: 9/21 Can you make lava? in Google Classroom

Science: 9/21 Can you make lava?

Learning Target:
Observe the local environment to explain how water and/or wind have made changes to soil and/or rocks over time

Success Criteria:
I can explain the rock cycle by observing the environment over time.


EM2L2: 9/22 Eureka Math in Google Classroom

EM2L2: 9/22 Eureka Math

Learning Target:
We are learning to measure time and solve problems involving time. 

Success Criteria:
I am successful when I can skip count by 5’s on a clock and relate it to a number line.


⭐RW Unit 1 Assessment 9/22  in Google Classroom

⭐RW Unit 1 Assessment 9/22


Science: 9/21 Why do some volcanoes explode? in Google Classroom

Science: 9/21 Why do some volcanoes explode?

Learning Target:
Observe the local environment to explain how water and/or wind have made changes to soil and/or rocks over time

Success Criteria:
I can explain the rock cycle by observing the environment over time.


⭐RW: Post Assessment- 9/22 Reader's Workshop in Google Classroom

⭐RW: Post Assessment- 9/22 Reader's Workshop

Learning Target: I will use my reading strategies learned in Unit 1 to complete a reading assessment.

Success Target
I will identify character traits.
I will be able to retell a story.
I will predict what will come next.
I will identify the author's craft in a story I read.


WW: 9/21 Writer's Workshop in Google Classroom

WW: 9/21 Writer's Workshop

Learning Target:
I can develop strategies to write a true story.

Success  Criteria:
I can revise my writing by studying what other authors have done.

Below is the mentor text we utilized during whole group instruction.

Please insert a picture of the writing you completed during Writer's Workshop in the google doc below.


Getting to Know You! in Google Classroom

Getting to Know You!